From the very beginning of "Ten Things Tuesday" until now, I have gotten many comments and emails apologizing for being a day or two late in making a list! I can honestly say that I am so happy for you to join in on ANY day of the week ~ it's always a good day to be thankful!
And as you can see, my friends, even the hostess is sometimes fashionably late!
So here I am apologizing to you...I am still having great difficultly with the computer ~ all of the pop-up issues are not quite resolved, and there really hasn't been a day that has enough hours to focus the time required to fix the problem!
BUT at this point it's not really the "virus threat" that is keeping me from blogging...a new issue has occurred. We are without Internet in the Brownstone home for the moment. I could interject here that we are also without a home telephone, but this is supposed to be a thankful post! It's a long story of switching providers, and miscommunication between the old and the new, and one turning off the old services before the other has started the new services, and just working with providers that are impossible to reach because all the employees are apparently computer-generated voices, or holograms, or robots, or something...but this is a thankful list ~ not a list about Internet and telephone troubles.
Did I mention that my cell phone is also kaput?
A friend stalked me down in the pick-up line at my kids school today because she knew she might catch me there. She decided that the cost of the gas would be worth it because it would be faster than snail mail.
Oh, yes, it's a no-win situation regarding communication of any sort for the Brownstone family, but like I said...this is a thankful list! I'm not going to shout "ARRRRRGH!" or anything like that.
So, onto "Ten Things Tuesday".
- I am so thankful for my friend Jennifer for letting me come over and borrow her computer to catch up on some "must-do" things. Not only does she share her computer, she is just a really great friend. She's one of those people I could call for help in the late-late PM, the early-early AM, or just the middle of the day and not have to think twice about it. She would do whatever she could to help.
- I am thankful that we had a cool-front blow through today. It definitely made a difference in the temperature!
- I am thankful that my kids still love me, even though I was probably the only mom that didn't watch the news and know they needed to be dressed for a weather-change in the middle of the day.
- I am thankful for the way they bounded to the car today with pink cheeks and wind-blown hair and proclaimed that is was a "Hot Chocolate Day!"
- I am thankful that we will get to see most of our friends at church tonight. With all of the communication issues, I feel a little bit out-of-touch with everyone.
- I am thankful for all of the new readers of this blog and the new people that have found "Ten Things Tuesday". I am excited to be able to come and visit your blogs as soon as we have Internet again!
- I am thankful for all of the old readers, too! All of you are such inspiration to me ~ I am still amazed, too, at how this whole blogging community works!
- I am thankful for the new cappuccino I found on "Hot Chocolate Day". It's called "Bananas Foster", and it is YUM! You can find it at your local "Quik Trip", also known as "QT".
- I am thankful for all of the different flavors you can add to your drink at Sonic. It's a small pleasure, but it's fun! I added "orange" to my Diet Coke today. It was not my favorite flavor to add, but it was good and a fun change from cherry vanilla!
- I am thankful for good books AND a good public library! I checked out three books today in the hopes that they will keep me occupied with all of the non-technological free-time I have recently been given.
Because I am blogging from a computer other than my own, I am unable to add "Mr. Linky", but please feel free to add your link to the comments section, and I will link you up as soon as possible!
As always, thanks to everyone for dropping by ~ if you're here for the first time, WELCOME!!! I hope you'll join in and express what is blessing you today! If you do join in, be sure and put (first time) by your name so others will know to give you an extra big hello!
And if you are a repeat visitor? THANK YOU for sharing your blessings each week! I really look forward to reading them ~ I feel like I know y'all a little bit!
Finally, please remember, I am taking a short blogging break until I can deal with the computer issues and our Internet is activated. Please don't forget about me!
Have a blessed week!!!

Hi!! I am so happy to "see" you today - I hope your communication issues get sorted soon. I LOVE hot chocolate weather (actually making myself a cup now).
I posted my list - all about my lovely little state this week
Anytime friend, ANYTIME!!
Love ya, mean it! :)
You're awesome! Not only have I found myself looking forward to "Ten Things Tuesday" every week, but I am finding myself being more and more thankful every day of the week. : )
Melissa there's got to be a blessing in the "outside" communication issues. More quiet time at home with the family?
I'd give anything for more quiet time *grin*
Here's my list for the week.
OOOHHH..and because I don't know if he'll look, here's my Seuss's (you'll find more about him on my list.)
Sorry I missed meeting you when we were in town last weekend! Though it sounds like we may not have been able to reach you anyway! (-:
My list is a little light, but I did it!
I finally made my list.
check it out
good to have you back!, sorry to hear about your communication issues!
here's my list-
don't forget to pick up your award :)
Hi Jill! Finally got my post up. I surely hope you get your kinks worked our soon. Until then enjoy being unplugged! Hugs.....
I nominated you for an award! Yes, I blogged this morning, I needed a release...I hope you got everything up and running, if not, you can always come over here!!
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