Wednesday, November 26, 2008


XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday

Late, late, late good evening, Friends!  It's way past bedtime in my neck of the woods; and obviously, it's not Tuesday anymore!  Y'all must think I'm such a big flake ~ late posting, no posting, no visits or comments to your blogs, etc. etc. etc.

In the interest of getting to bed before it's time to wake, there is no thankful list for me today, though the list could be long.  However, I am adding Mr. Linky for those of you that were able to make a list ~ or are planning on making a list ~ and would like to share it with all of us!  

I'll be blogging my own list on Thursday for a special Thanksgiving Edition of "Ten Things Tuesday".  Likewise, if you'd like to add your link to that list, too, I'd love to have you join in the Thanksgiving thankfulness!  Please keep mind that it is the "Thanksgiving Edition", so it should reflect the Thanksgiving holiday in some form or fashion!    


Joy N. said...

THANKSgiving is on Thursday?!?!?!?

mholgate said...

Got it! Left a comment on last week. Glad to hear that everything is allright with you.

Have a great Thanksgiving!