Friday, April 20, 2007


OK, so technically, it's not Iron #1. There are currently too many irons to count right now, and even if I could think of all of them, it would be difficult to do so in order. So...for the purposes of this blog, it will be #1 since it is the first (with exception of blogging about beginning a blog) of which I'm writing.

Twister's school musical. It will be adorable. It needs props, sets, and background. These things are provided by the parents. Guess how many people worked on props, sets, and background? We could start with a guess of 150. There are about 75 kids, and most of them come from two-parent homes. We'll immediately half that number to 75, though, because one of the parents is working; but you could realistically figure one parent per kid might be available to help. However, let's be conservative and say that half of those remaining parents work, too, leaving us with 37.5 workers. Out of generosity, we'll round that down to 35. Since it's Spring, we can assume that maybe 25% of those 35 have seasonal allergies (like me) and just cannot stop sneezing long enough to cut and color. That leaves us 26.25 people, but again, we'll be generous and round down to 25. Out of those 25 remaining, let's assume that half of them have a sick child at home, or even a healthy preschool child at home. That leaves us with 12.5 parents - let's round it to 12 - that could come help with props, sets, and backgrounds. They aren't that difficult. Twenty minutes - that's the length of the program. It's not Broadway - there will be no Tony Award for set design! They all have a child participating. It will be adorable. Twelve people could knock it out pretty quickly, right? Twelve out of 150, or 8% - that's pretty conservative.

Now I present to you the question once again. "Guess how many people worked on props, sets, and background?" Less than 2.67% of the original 150. Less than 34% of the conservative 12. Two parents worked on props and did a fantastic job! One parent - good old Mrs. Brownstone - worked on sets and background. Three and two halves! (The two halves is actually made up of two people that worked on sets and background for about an hour each.) Now don't get me wrong, I could have not shown up, too. I could have stayed home with my sniffles. There's a number of other things I could have done. I'm not bitter, though. The sets and props look great, and it was fun! It's also for our kids. It's for MY kid! What's a school musical without the props, sets, and background anyway? And did I mention...the musical will be adorable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the way of it! Everyone wants the reward without the work. :)

By the way, I like your humor. :)

writetome (at) thesilvas (dot) com