Monday, April 20, 2009



Well, Ten Things Tuesday has been in a mess lately.  There have been many things that have kept me offline for the last several months.  In addition, I've had some trouble with the new computer and Mr. Linky.  I am trying to get that all sorted out, but in the meantime...please feel free to leave a link in the comments section, and I will get those added when the other problem is resolved.

Thanks so much for visiting.  Remember to be thankful everyday!  

And please link.  I could really use the encouragement I get from reading your lists.

Have a blessed day!


Brittany said...

Thank you for this!

mholgate said...

Hi! My post is up!
Glad to see you today! :)

David and Olivia said...

Thanks for challenging me to be thankful! I'm going to be thinking of ways to post a list every week, I think it would be really good for me and encourage others too because your list always encourages me. I can't really use our blog, so where to put it?? If you have any suggestions, let me know. I'll keep you posted too. Love you and praying for you, Mrs. Brownstone!!